The Dawn of BYOD - The Motives

The Dawn of BYOD – The Motives

For all those operating in enterprise IT there’s one term which is sure to be cropping up on your radar far more and more regularly; for all those who perform outdoors of IT departments you will be familiar with the ideas behind it – actually you could possibly be accountable for its prominence – although you might be less conscious of its name. The concept is BYOD or Bring Your individual Device.

What exactly is BYOD?

BYOD is definitely the latest trend in workplace IT deployment and one that all corporations are going to have to address no matter whether they embrace it or not. In brief the term refers to an idea in which staff in businesses and organisations are permitted, or indeed encouraged in some instances, to create use of their very own devices for their job, in spot of any supplied by their employer. Current surveys have …

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Choosing The Right Bandwidth To Operate On

Choosing The Right Bandwidth To Operate On

As we continue to become more connected, there are going to be issues that arise which are going to need to be addressed as quickly as possible. It doesn’t matter if you are operating on your own servers or if you are utilizing a remote cloud, bandwidth is always going to be one of those issues. After all, you not only need to make sure that everybody has access to bandwidth in order to take care of their job, you need to make sure that the more pressing tasks are taken care of properly and given the necessary bandwidth so that they can continue to work without letup.

This is especially a problem if you are operating on a wide-area network. In many cases, this type of network is not only going to give access to individuals that are working within the company, it is going to do so in …

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