What to Do Before You Reformat Your Hard Drive

What to Do Before You Reformat Your Hard Drive

Computers play a very important role in our lives today. Almost everyone is now familiar with computers and there are even some that perceive computers as an indispensable part of their daily routine. However, just like any machine, computers are subject to wear and tear and you may need to reformat your hard drive at some later point in time. Before you reformat, there are several things which you need to know and do first.

Reformatting the hard drive is what others call the hard option, and this should only be done as a last resort and not mainly taken out of whim. If you are using Windows XP and having the problems such as frequent “blue screen of death” occurrences, missing DLL errors and constant software crashes even after you have performed steps including virus or spyware scanning, defrag, chkdsk, and all other solutions which are available online or …

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How Computers and the Internet Can Help in Law Enforcement?

How Computers and the Internet Can Help in Law Enforcement?

The new century has begun with a milestone in development and technology. With the increasing popularity of internet functions, cyber crime and theft have emerged as new propaganda. Apart from online crime, computer technology has allowed criminals to violate law and order with the help of sophisticated instruments. As such, there must be inclusion of computers and technology in the power of law and order. Now, developed countries like Britain, US, Germany, France, China, etc. Using scientific instruments such as CCTV cameras to detect criminal forces. This became possible only with the introduction of computers. Computers surround all areas of human life.

Virtual reality has become the determining stone in law enforcement. Virtual reality like a 4D movie where you feel almost the same as the original scene that has happened. This helps during the settlement of the case in court where the witness tells the crime scene as detailed …

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