Quick Electric RC Automobiles

Electric Car Battery LifeIf your interested in getting an electric RC car then you likely have a handful of concerns concerning what you can expect from them. That is how I treated the LiFePO4 battieries: I would attach the pack to a 1-amp, regulated 14.two volt power provide for 12-18 hours and then disconnect it and then location it on the shelf, possibly topping it off briefly just prior to working with it. The Lead-Acid batteries, on the other hand, are left connected to a 13.six volt power supply and allowed to sit there all of the time when not getting utilized.

This observation spawned some additional testing, so I place the LiFePO4 packs back on my battery tester I was further distressed to note that these that had originally tested out as obtaining 5.eight-6 amp hour capacity have been now, at the extremely most, in the 1.five-2 amp-hour range when the significantly …

Quick Electric RC Automobiles Read More

Hybrid Battery Repair = Repair Is Less costly But It Is A Quick Term Fix.

Hybrid Battery LifeHybrid vehicles as you may possibly currently know are the cars that combine two propulsion engines a common gas-engine and a single or a lot more than one electric motor. The key challenge several customers our obtaining with the Prius is related to the battery life. The Hybrid gets slightly superior gas mileage than the Highlander, but where it truly shines is in emissions output. Our automobile has the three. Liter six-Cylinder with Toyota full time four-Wheel Drive method. My Highlander was my very first car or truck, that was passed down to me from my grandmother.

Lexus Hybrid Drive is derived from its parent company Toyota’s pioneering Hybrid Synergy Drive technology, which is the world’s most popular hybrid technique, getting sold in excess of 5 million units because its launch in Japan in August 1997. Hybrid automobiles are utilized by taxi corporations in cities across the world simply because …

Hybrid Battery Repair = Repair Is Less costly But It Is A Quick Term Fix. Read More