Electric Car(EV) Battery Charger Company, Multi Stage & Storage Battery Charger

Electric Car BatteryCurrent Methods serves as a international leader amongst electric automobile battery charger makers. If your car doesn’t provide time of day charging as the Volt does, the charger has a variable delay function that will delay charging for two,4,six or eight hours – a function that could pay off in the long run. The largest variables in determining battery longevity are battery chemistry and additives, temperature of the cells when charging and discharging, state of charge when stored, cycle life, and pack capacity. What I have accomplished with it now is I have put it in parallel with a recognized good battery that has a Wizbang desulfator on it that is on float charge. Our presence in the multi-stage EV Battery Charger sector is backed by our BC series chargers.

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Electric Car(EV) Battery Charger Company, Multi Stage & Storage Battery Charger Read More