Electric Automobiles (EVs, HEVs, PHEVs)

Hybrid Electric VehicleThree types of autos are powered by electricity: electric cars (EV), hybrid electric automobiles (HEV), and plug-in-electric automobiles (PHEV). Authorization for Option Fuel Car Loans: The Louisiana Division of Natural Sources will administer the AFV Revolving Loan Fund to supply loan assistance to neighborhood government entities, which includes cities, parishes, school boards, and local municipal subdivisions for the price of converting traditional cars to operate on option fuels, or the incremental cost of buying new AFVs.

Option Fuel & Automobile Incentives: By way of the Alternative and Renewable Fuel Automobile Technologies System , the California Energy Commission offer financial incentives for companies, car and technologies suppliers, workforce coaching partners, fleet owners, customers and academic institutions with the purpose of establishing and deploying alternative and renewable fuels and sophisticated transportation technologies.

PEV Charging Price Reductions: The Sacramento Municipal Utility District ( SMUD ), Southern California Edison ( SCE ), Pacific Gas …

Electric Automobiles (EVs, HEVs, PHEVs) Read More