The Essentials of Electronic Technology

The Essentials of Electronic Technology

Electronic technology is the branch of electrical engineering and physics that deals with the emission, behavior and effects of electrons. Electronic devices, in contrast, use electronics to create and manipulate signals and information. These systems can be used in a variety of applications, such as computers and mobile phones. This branch of engineering is essential for any company that wants to stay competitive.


Impedance is a quantity that describes the amount of resistance that an electrical current face. When both the voltage and current are constant, the impedance is zero. However, when the voltage is varying, the impedance is never zero. In other words, when alternating current is present, the impedance is always greater than zero.

There are many conditions that can affect an impedance measurement, including stray capacitance and probe capacitance. Another issue that affects impedance measurement is the presence of DC bias. This is caused by the difference in the material of the probe and wire.


When a circuit has an electrical current flowing through it, a resistor acts to stop that flow. A resistor is usually made of a non-conductive material. As such, understanding its function is not as easy as understanding the functions of copper or other metals. However, a resistor’s value can be calculated using different methods.

Several types of resistors are used in electronics. Some are made of metal films while others are made of oxides. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages. The metal films can be manufactured with good tolerances, but their temperature coefficients are relatively large. A thin film resistor has a temperature coefficient of about five ppm/K, while a thick film resistor has a temperature coefficient of over 250 ppm/K.


Capacitors are small devices that can store electric charge. They range in size from the size of a refrigerator to microscopic capacitors that are built into integrated circuits. Capacitors are made from two conductive plates separated by a dielectric material. The dielectric material has a permittivity that varies depending on the material used.

The higher the charge of a capacitor, the more it stores. The greater the surface area, the higher the capacitance. However, it is important to note that the capacitor can only store a certain amount of charge. Its maximum capacity is measured in farads.

 Integrated circuit (IC)

An integrated circuit (IC) is a semiconductor chip that combines many different circuit components into a single device. This allows for a lower power consumption, fewer connections and smaller devices. In addition, an IC can be more durable because it can be replaced without the need for soldering. Additionally, the ICs have low voltage, which allows for very sensitive operation.

Integrated circuits were first used in the 1950s and helped make computers smaller and more powerful. It replaced the bulky vacuum tubes and allowed for the development of many electronic devices. The spread of chips has brought the power of these devices to people all around the world. Prior to the development of integrated circuits, the majority of electronic devices used vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes were bulky and complicated and required a lot of energy to function. In addition, the tubes were prone to damage.


Microprocessors are small electronic devices that perform a variety of functions. They perform logic and arithmetic operations and are usually the central processing unit of a digital computer. They are programmable and integrate all of the essential features of a CPU onto a single chip.

In the early days of microprocessors, secondary memory was not present. This meant that the main memory was the primary memory. This memory held the program in bits, which the microprocessor then read to execute the program. The results of the execution of the program are stored in the memory. A microprocessor contains two types of memory: RAM and ROM. RAM contain the program while ROM contains the result of the program.